Contributions to St Mark’s support the ongoing and future needs of our community.
Pastoral Care of community members and all those in need.
Liturgical Celebrations as we gather to offer our worship to God.
Religious Education for our children & families sacramental preparation and for our catechists who teach the Word of God.
Running  Costs for our office staff to ensure you are heard, so our community sacraments and events happen, to pay our bills such as the telephone, gas, electricity, water, insurance, cleaning and general administrative costs involved with keeping our Parish active.
Maintenance of the Church, Presbytery & Parish Pastoral Centre & Parish grounds.
Without your financial support, St Mark’s Community cannot survive. If you would like to make a donation to the St Marks, go online and choose – General Restoration
We thank you in anticipation for your support.

Leave a lasting legacy for future generations.
Over the years, Catholics and other members of the community, through their generous gifts, have made possible the building of St Mark’s Catholic Church. In recent years, the gifts have been used to restored and updated and this will continue indefinitely and it depends on the continuing generosity of our supporters.
You can help with the vital conservation of our Parish church by making a bequest to St Mark’s Church in your Will, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.
How to make a bequest
If you wish to make a bequest to St Mark’s Church, there are several ways to do so. Some examples are:
† Making a gift of a specific monetary amount of your choosing.
† Making a gift of particular belongings such as books.
† Making a gift of a particular property you own.
† Making a gift of a specified part of your estate or your estate.
† Making a gift of that part of your estate that remains after you have provided for any loved ones.
Please contact the Parish office on (02) 9181 1795 or email: [email protected] for further information.